Saturday, December 31, 2005

Joyeuse année d'Errachidia

how to say Happy New Year...!!! avec les meilleurs voeux de santé et de prospérité inshallah...
j'ai bcq refflichi avant de poster ça !! quoi écrire ?? quelle photo choisir ??
notre probléme c'est qu'on essaye tjr de chercher loin !!! rien que chercher loin !!! alors que ttes belles chose est Around !! j'ai décidé de poster cette simple photo que je l'avais pris ici à "Errachidia" et je souhaite qu'elle vous plaira !! en fin je vous souhaite une excélente nouvelle année ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

عربي إنجليزي قصيدة غزل مشتركة

طولت بغيــابك مـأي لف

ترجع لنــا ثاني آي هوب

بسبـــابك آي كانت سليب

النوم مــا جاني أت نايت

واعطف على أحبابك كم هير

عليك ولهـاني ماي هارت

واصبر على حسابك آي ويت

تصبر على شاني يو مصت

يالترف خطــــابك رفيوز

تنســـاني آي كانت بليف

يا حظ من جــابك أت لاست

ثم عــاش وحداني أت هوم

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005

امرأة حمقاء

يا سيدي العزيز
هذا خطاب امرأة حمقاء
هل كتبت إليك قبلي امرأة حمقاء؟
اسمي انا ؟ دعنا من الأسماء
رانية أم زينب
أم هند أم هيفاء
اسخف ما نحمله ـ يا سيدي ـ الأسماء
يا سيدي
أخاف أن أقول مالدي من أشياء
أخاف ـ لو فعلت ـ أن تحترق السماء
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصادر الرسائل الزرقاء
يصادر الأحلام من خزائن النساء
يستعمل السكين
كي يخاطب النساء
ويذبح الربيع والأشواق
والضفائر السوداء
و شرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصنع تاج الشرف الرفيع
من جماجم النساء
لا تنتقدني سيدي
إن كان خطسيئاً
فإنني اكتب والسياف خلف بابي
وخارج الحجرة صوت الريح والكلاب
يا سيدي
عنترة العبسي خلف بابي
إذا رأى خطابي
يقطع رأسي
لو رأى الشفاف من ثيابي
يقطع رأسي
لو انا عبرت عن عذابي
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يحاصر المرأة بالحراب
يبايع الرجال أنبياء
ويطمر النساء في التراب
لا تنزعج !
يا سيدي العزيز ... من سطوري
لا تنزعج !
إذا كسرت القمقم المسدود من عصور
إذا نزعت خاتم الرصاص عن ضميري
إذا انا هربت
من أقبية الحريم في القصور
إذا تمردت , على موتي ...
على قبري
على جذوري
و المسلخ الكبير
لا تنزعج يا سيدي !
إذا انا كشفت عن شعوري
فالرجل الشرقي
لا يهتم بالشعر و لا الشعور ...
الرجل الشرقي
لا يفهم المرأة إلا داخل السرير ...
معذرة .. معذرة يا سيدي
إذا تطاولت على مملكة الرجال
الأدب الكبير ـ طبعاً ـ أدب الرجال والحب كان دائماً
من حصة الرجال
والجنس كان دائما ً
مخدراً يباع للرجال
خرافة حرية النساء في بلادنا
فليس من حرية
أخرى ، سوى حرية الرجال
يا سيدي
قل ما تريده عني ، فلن أبالي سطحية . غبية . مجنونة . بلهاء فلم اعد أبالي
لأن من تكتب عن همومها ..
في منطق الرجال امرأة حمقاء
ألم اقل في أول الخطاب أني
امرأة حمقاء ؟

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hope you enjoy this...!!!

TEACHER : What is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER : What are you talking about?
PAPPU : Yesterday you said it's H to O !
TEACHER : PAPPU, go to the map and find North America.
PAPPU : Here it is!
TEACHER : Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?
TEACHER : PAPPU, how do you spell "crocodile"?
TEACHER : No, that's wrong
PAPPU : Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!

wait for next ones.....

Monday, October 17, 2005

la premiére lettre de votre prenom indique votre personalité...!!!

voilà ! comme le titre l'indique ! ce soire en naviguant sur le net j'ai trouvé que la premiere lettre de mon prenom peut indiquer ma personalité !! alors...lisez ce qu'on dit de la lettre S et que pensez vous ???
Mystérieux, réservé et timide, vous êtes pourtant aussi très sexy, sensuel et passionné. Vous avez du mal à vous laisser aller. Cette part de vous ne se révèle réellement que dans la plus stricte intimité. Mais quand il s'agit de passer aux choses sérieuses, vous êtes un expert. Vous connaissez tous les petites choses de la chose, vous jouez tous les rôles dans tous les jeux, tout en prenant votre vie amoureuse très au sérieux.
Vous n'aimez pas perdre votre temps et préférez la patience d'attendre que la bonne rencontre se fasse avec la bonne personne.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Plz our prayer for victims...!!!

There are valuable lessons in terrible disasters.
Mother Nature has been vengeful of late. The Dec. 26 quake-induced tsunami off Sumatra devoured Indian Ocean coastlines, killing a multitude of people. More recently, Hurricane Katrina pummeled New Orleans. And now, a terrible earthquake in Pakistan.
With a magnitude of 7.7, Saturday's earthquake was one of the strongest to hit the region in the past 100 years.
In Islamabad, the capital, a multistory apartment building pancaked, killing many citizens, including a Japanese man and his child. In mountainous northern Pakistan close to the epicenter, entire villages vanished from the map because of landslides.
The region hardest hit was the Pakistani side of the Line of Control in Kashmir, which India and Pakistan have been fighting over since they achieved independence in 1947. The earthquake occurred just when it appeared that tensions between the two countries were beginning to relax.
The Pakistani government said the death toll would exceed 19,000 and the number of injured people was put at more than 40,000. Many people also lost their lives in neighboring India and Afghanistan. The death toll could still rise dramatically because roads are blocked and communications broken in some areas.
The international community quickly swung into action. U.N. relief agencies moved quickly and the Japanese government immediately dispatched a relief team. Medical teams will follow suit. Britain and Turkey will also send relief teams.
Even though India also has many quake victims, it offered assistance to Pakistan. That spirit of generosity gives us hope for a better tomorrow. Nongovernmental organizations have also started to provide assistance.
For Japan, this is an opportunity to learn valuable lessons in preparing for the Big One, which could strike at any time. The central government's Central Disaster Prevention Council has many earthquake scenarios. In one, a quake of the same magnitude as Saturday's temblor in Pakistan would strike the northern part of Tokyo Bay, causing tremendous damage.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Friday, October 07, 2005

Past , what remains !!!!

hummm...I don'tknow exactly what to say in the begining....but let me start by when I was 16 years old...I was in "the commercial common tranc" at the technical school..we were a good team,....aha you'll ask me who's team ??? I'll answer :it called NASAKI : Nadia Amal Soumaya Asmae Kawtar and Ilham without forgetting our friends ( Samia and Ibtissam) those are changed the appartement, in the 1st year bacalaureat, to Administrative business...will we was Accounting business.
Anyway, come back to NASAKI again : we were honestly a bad girls but........we were hardworkers also, evry body in this technical school know us From the Shawesh( Ba Tohami) to the headmaster........All the teachers were our friends.......but even we used to make mokeries on them hehehehehehehehehe......
Ahha!!!! I forget to tell you that we used to write some lyrics, we play theater...make interview....we do also publicity ( machi l cake dial mama hada !!!!!!) heyyyyy it's strange yaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!
Now we still friends even all the girls goes away, we still now only 4 girls : Me Ilham Samia and Amal....
so where's evry one ???
Nadia : atfter Bac , went to nurse's school, but she left studies for marriage , the next summer inshallah !!!
Amal, Ilham,Me,Samia :after 1 year in the economics university in Méknes ( 360 Km from here) we came back to Errachidia for studing in ISTA, TSC ( technician specialized in trade ) department !! it'll be our 1st year.
Asmae : she stills in the economics univesity, 2nd year
Kawtar : She didn't like to go to the university, she prefered to studing in ISTA department of Accounting, she's now in the 2nd year.
Ibtissam: after a long love story, she get married one year a go , she's now studing: 1st year department of secretary in ISTA !!!

HEYYYYYYYYYYY don't go away it still the next episodes , BE THERE !!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


J'aimerai être quelqu'un de meilleur
De bon, de vrai ,de serien...
J'aimerai être tout
Etre rien d'autre, que moi,
Aimé comme je suis
Plein de joie et de bonheure
Plein de rêves et d'espoir,
Jaloux, égoiste et souvent en colére
Mais, au coeur ouvert
Comme une rose aux mois d'Avril
J'aimerai être un enfant,
Au regard, soleil éclatant,
J'aimerai être quelq'un
Rien d'autre que Moi
Moi, tout a fait
Différent des autres...

Avec mes respect au Mr.Agoujil ( mon ex prof de fraçais) !! sans oublier mon Groupe de 6 NAZAKI et aussi la classe "Technique de Gestion Comptable" au lycée technique d'Errachidia...

Sunday, October 02, 2005


"Wednesday, Octobre 2nd,1985 at 7:30 am was the first breath and scream of the LOOSER Soumaya in this beautiful word"
hii guys , my be all of you think, in this special day , after opning my blog will be surprized by my birthday's pic (...BD's party......cake's !!!!!! heyyy don't be so fooled I never have a BD party a day's appears so stranger for someones but that's the reality !! truly evry Oct 2nd I get many gifts....thinks so much my friends..!!!!!!! the BD had always 2 meanin for me :
  1. Oct 2nd come evry year for tellin me : Miss it's time for you to leave ur insipidities and think seriously...with intention about ur future ( what's a big mission) !!!!
  2. ..: wake up girl y're just loosin another year , y still not the young Sousou y've now 20 years old...u're gettin older each last second ( that's what i hate) !!!
Now the "?" is : what I realized this past year ????
Even if I have 60 years old ( ohh!!damn) I'll saty the young..the pretty and the sweety soul that evry body yearing for her SMILE !!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Semaine de l'amitié

Est ce que vx avez entendu déjà de la semaine de l'amitié ?? non plus ! merci Marouan de me signaler ça....behhh je vx souhaite chers amis joueuses semaine pleine de nvx à cette egard je vx didié ces ttes petites lignes:
Apprécions chaque moment que nx avons ! et appricion-le plus quand nx le partageons avec qlq'un de spécial, assez spécial pr avoir besoin de votre temps. Et rappelons nous que le temps n'attend aprés personne !!!!!
Et en fin je vx coseille de de :

Travaille comme si tu n'avais pas besoin d'argen
Aime comme si personne ne t'avait jamais blessé
Danse comme si personne ne regardait
Chante comme si personne n'écoutait
Vis comme si le Paradis était surterre!!!